Model UN B Resolution Upload


Remember: All resolution submissions should be serious in nature and align with Y core values. Submission of resolutions that CCE staff deems offensive, disrespectful, not serious in nature, or otherwise violating the Y core values will result in the entire team being deregistered from the conference.

You should fill out the Student Names fields with the names of your team members. Click the blue Add Student link under the field to add each additional member's name.

Select your school, country, and committee from the drop down boxes. Then type the title of your resolution (This should begin "A Resolution To...").

Copy the entire body of your resolution. Do not include the title, student names, school, or line numbers.

For more information on how to write your resolution, click here.

General Assembly Upload Form

Email:(This must be valid or your submission will fail)

Student Names (up to 4). Click [Add Student] for more slots:


[Add Student]


Your MUN Country:



Resolution Text (Copy Entire Resolution Body Here)
Do not include the title, student names, school, line numbers, or any of the following special characters: Bulleted or numbered lists, or the Following Symbols & " < >

Please note, the information contained in this form will be sent to the email address provided in the form above.